Logo Valentina Giannetti Videographer - Wedding Film

Who I am

I am a videographer in Puglia.

After completing my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia, I chose to enter, in 2014, the Wedding sector, initially through engagements procured by Photographers and later boasting my own work.

I love to travel, which is why I do not limit myself to my region for my work, but I gladly move throughout Italy. I have already worked in regions such as Basilicata, Umbria, Sicily and Molise, but I would like to push my horizons even further north, in regions such as Liguria, Tuscany, Trentino Alto Adige and Valle d’Aosta.

Su di me

Sono una videografa in Puglia.

Terminato il mio percorso di studi presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Foggia, ho scelto di addentrarmi, nel 2014, nel settore del Wedding, inizialmente tramite ingaggi procurati da Fotografi ed in un secondo momento vantando lavori miei.

Amo viaggiare, motivo per il quale non mi limito alla mia regione di appartenenza per i miei lavori, bensì mi sposto volentieri in tutta Italia. Ho lavorato già in regioni come la Basilicata, l’Umbria, la Sicilia ed il Molise, ma mi piacerebbe spingere i miei orizzonti anche più a nord, in regioni come la Liguria, la Toscana, il Trentino Alto Adige e la Valle D’Aosta.

It's not true that everything has already been told, we have room to move. Nothing was told as we see it.

short film

A good wedding movie is almost always told by a storyteller. Our work develops along a line that we can define as narrative.

“Images are for us the centerpiece of storytelling, whoever sees our images will come out of reality to momentarily live other realities.” Sara Munari

Contact me

If you found my narrative syntax interesting, all you have to do is write to me