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Sicily to live

In this article, I will tell you about on of the most unique weddings of this season

In one of the most famous regions of Italy; Sicily.

In fact, Sicily, together with Sardinia, is distinguished from all other regions of Italy,

As an island but not only,

Thanks to its extension it is the fifth largest region of Italyafter Lombardy,

Lazio, Campania and Veneto.

The capital of Sicily is Palermo,

But the event I will tell you about took place a few kilometers from Catania,

An ancient port city on the east coast of Sicily.

Catania is located at the foot of Etna, an active volcano, with paths that reach its top,

All these requirements make Sicily one of the most sought-after destinations even by foreign couples who decide to celebrate their wedding on the most beautiful peninsula in Europe; Italy.

Exactly one year before their most beautiful day these wonderful guys hired me as a videomaker for their wedding in Puglia, and also for their wedding in Sicily.

They wanted through my images to relive this path taken with their dearest families and friends who accompanied them.

When I accepted, I never expected it to become

A real experience for me,

As well as an excellent opportunity to get involved and work in a totally different place than the ones I’m used to.

My trip to Sicily was a real adventure,

We shared with the newlyweds important and convivial moments that go far beyond my work.

The newlyweds opted for an outdoor civil union in the garden of the structure that hosted us

Already from the first light of the morning.

The ancient Wheel, is a moderately sized location, which hosts events of any kind, they can offer you a large room illuminated by windows, a garden, a private parking, rooms, a restaurant, a cafeteria (always open) and everything that can be useful for short stays.

Through the detailed and scrupulous organization of a WP chosen by the newlyweds,

(Essential figure for this type of event), we had the security

That despite the uncertainty of the weather, everything would have gone smoothly without any hindrance.https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiRqMrbyPaFAxXYlYMHHXs8D0wYABAGGgJlZg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYSFNUejoFdz5-FNR19QgYTjLsY-koWkdMENh3w9pQTqxmOy2ErIQbRoCJskQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2owHPLl_uad7wwIHwLx4n95CD2aeuYjXvdPu3OUBdWClSvwA9ir39WgfgzcxGHBI8IXDCwe_VArAofEXYaH8atCW7Rp7d79fSIFkl_7uA-nGD4iY&sig=AOD64_07gABWpkceYmjSAUE25jS-e5H2Nw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjlg8TbyPaFAxVu8rsIHRH2Am4Q0Qx6BAgEEAM

The wedding in Sicily, which I am talking about, took place at the end of September,

Probably one of the periods I would like to recommend to you,

As Sicily is a very popular tourist destination during the hottest months of the year.


Remember, dear spouses, that if you decide to get married in a typically summer place, the best times are always spring and autumn to avoid a strong flow of tourists and structures that are not able to guarantee you all the comforts you will need.https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiRqMrbyPaFAxXYlYMHHXs8D0wYABACGgJlZg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYfkJeop0MC8MjdZm8Hqd8hyTAIPWrKM6YCutDhIqDsj_vGePZI73yhoCnvcQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2owHPLl_uad7wwIHwLx4n95CD2aeuYjXvdPu3OUBdWClSvwA9ir39WgfgzcxGHBI8IXDCwe_VArAofEXYaH8atCW7Rp7d79fSIFkl_7uA-nGD4iY&sig=AOD64_03MDJ94C4tRAmDaS0q-Y-jzN__ng&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjlg8TbyPaFAxVu8rsIHRH2Am4Q0Qx6BAgNEAM

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Hi, I’m Valentina, videographer in the wedding sector, and I define myself as an independent traveler, why independent?Simple, I don’t like having the support of